Tourism 4.0 at the International Conference in the Black Sea region on Blue Development

date: 11.03.2020

Tomi Ilijas and Urska Starc Peceny from the lead partner Arctur have presented the unprecedented development of data analytics that can offer new opportunities for tourism services. The vision and ideas of Tourism 4.0 have been presented and cooperation of Ovidius University of Constanta as a partner in the Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea (T4BS) project.

They presented our work at two plenary sessions. On the first day as part of the Education & Innovation for Blue Growth plenary moderated by Simion Nicolaev from the 3D-BS Innovation Cluster, Romania, and on the second day at the plenary on Modelling, Data Processing and Knowledge Based Decision Making moderated by Matthew Viljoen from EGI, Netherlands.

R&D into T

At the conference various models have been discussed in terms of needed cooperation between universities and socio-economic community since innovation clusters, networks, and project consortia have many complementarities, which could be excellent examples of best practices in the region. For this reason, organisation of the 1st workshop at the Black Sea on Data Analysis for Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies parallel to the Blue Growth conference has been a unique opportunity. 

In addition, Tourism Impact Model has been presented to the key stakeholders of the local community along with high representatives such as Borbély László, State Counsellor and Michael Christides, Ambassador. The participants concluded that for co-creating tourism for the future with data analytics guidelines for various types of data sets and data sources that are fundamental for developing smart technologies need to be defined.

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